Five cases of endometrial tuberculosis suspected by the endometrial and cervical cytodiagnosis.

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  • 細胞診で結核性子宮内膜炎を疑った5症例

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For five years from March, 1984 to February, 1989, 5 cases were suspected of endometrial tuberculosis by the endometrial and cervical cytodiagnosis, later a definite diagnosis was made by the culture of tubercle bacillus. The cases were 5 postmenopausal females 56-70 years of age. 3 of them had a history of tuberculosis and 4 cases wee sterile. Chief complaints were vaginal discharge and genital bleeding, but 2 cases were discovered by medical examination. The intrauterine cavity was 6 cm to more than 10 cm long. 2 cases had retention of intrauterine fluid. Cytodiagnostic findings revealed, in addition to the inflammatory background, (neutrophiles and lymphocytes), many epitheloid cell clusters, Langhans giant cells, and mononuclear and polynuclear histiocytes. Except for 1 case which discontinued chemotherapy, 4 cases recovered after chemotherapy.<BR>Sterile females who complain of postmenopausal vaginal discharge and genital bleeding must be suspected of having endometrial tuberculosis as well as cancer of the uterine body, and cytodiagnosis seems useful for its diagnosis.


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