Vision-Based Guidance Control of a Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopter
- Mori Ryosuke
- Shinshu University
- Hirata Kenichi
- Shinshu University
- Tamaki Takeshi
- Shinshu University
- Yonezawa Naoaki
- Shinshu University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 視覚情報に基づく小型無人ヘリコプタの誘導制御
- シカク ジョウホウ ニ モトズク コガタ ムジン ヘリコプタ ノ ユウドウ セイギョ
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This paper describes vision-based guidance control of a small-scale unmanned helicopter. In previous research, helicopters were usually controlled by sensors such as GPSs and gyros. However, it is difficult to mount those sensors on small-scale helicopters that have little payload. Accordingly, small lightweight cameras were used to control the helicopter in this research. The applications of the cameras are for observation of the environment and the measurement of the position and attitude of the helicopter. The system of mounted cameras on the helicopter is useful for an indoor surveillance system using the helicopter as a mobile camera. The efficacy of the constructed system was verified through experimentations of automatic hovering control and guidance control.
- Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan 26 (8), 905-912, 2008
The Robotics Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204725020928
- NII Article ID
- 10024452037
- NII Book ID
- AN00141189
- 18847145
- 02891824
- 9721935
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed