Stereotypic speech in a case of neologistic jargonaphasia.

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  • 語新作ジャルゴン失語における常同的発話について

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     We report a case of neologistic jargonaphasia accompanied by stereotypic occurrences of neologisms. The neologisms in the patient's speech varied according to phonological and/or semantic associations. This characteristic pattern of neologism variations suggests a phonological as well as a semantic breakdown that may contribute to the genesis of neologistic jargon. We try to account for the stereotypic occurrence of neologisms using the interactive spreading activation model of language processing postulated by Dell (1986) , and we discuss some aspects of phonological and semantic disorganization in neologistic jargonaphasia from the viewpoint of cognitive neurolinguistics.


  • Higher Brain Function Research

    Higher Brain Function Research 21 (4), 242-249, 2001

    Japanese Society of Aphasiology (Renamed as Japan Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction)

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