Predation of <i>Tyrophagus similis</i> Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) by indigenous predatory mites (Acari: Gamasina) found in spinach fields.

  • SAITO Miki
    Hokkaido Research Organization, Central Agricultural Experiment Station
  • TAKAKU Gen
    Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo

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Other Title
  • ホウレンソウ圃場で確認されたヤドリダニ類のホウレンソウケナガコナダニ捕食能力
  • ホウレンソウ ホジョウ デ カクニン サレタ ヤドリダニルイ ノ ホウレンソウケナガコナダニ ホショク ノウリョク
  • Predation of Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) by indigenous predatory mites (Acari: Gamasina) found in spinach fields.

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The predation capacities of predatory mites (Acari: Gamasina) found in spinach fields against Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae), a harmful mite that affects the growth of spinach, were evaluated under laboratory conditions.<br>Female specimens of the following 6 species of predatory mites were studied: Ascidae sp. 1, Ascidae sp. 2, Hypoaspis (Gaeolaelaps) praesternalis Willmann, Hypoaspis (Gaeolaelaps) queenslandicus (Womersley), Macrocheles similis Krantz & Filipponi, and Cycetogamasus diviortus (Athias-Henriot). It was revealed that all these species could prey on T. similis. Large-sized species such as H. queenslandicus, M. similis, and C. diviortus showed a high degree of predatory ability; these species were found to feed on any of the different stages of T. similis, except the egg stage.<br>The suitable ambient temperature range for the predatory activity of H. queenslandicus and M. similis was found to be from 20°C to 30°C and that for C. diviortus was from 15°C to 30°C.


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