- タイトル別名
- RESIDENTIAL CAREER AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE WOODEN APARTMENT INHABITANTS : A report on the household characteristics of the wooden apartments compared with the renewed houses : Part 2
- 更新住宅居住者との比較調査結果-2-木賃アパート居住者の居住歴と経済的実態
- コウシン ジュウタク キョジュウシャ
How long have the wooden apartment inhabitants been living in the low-quality dwellings and can they move out in the near future? In order to answer this question this paper analyzes the residetial career and the economic conditions of the wooden apartment inhabitants, comparing with ones of the new houses which spontaneously replaced the old wooden apartments. The study has been undertaken by case analyses in the periphery of the Osaka city. The conclusions of the study is summerized as follows. 1) The inhabitants living now in the detached houses and the row houses which were newly provided through apartments renewal have experienced in living in bunkajutaku (one type of wooden apartment : two room type) for 7.7 years and 6.4 years respectively on the average. One the other hand, in the case of the present bunkajutaku inhabitants, half of the inhabitants have been living in bunkajutaku for more than ten years and the average years is 9.5 years. Biseds mokuzoapart (the other type of wooden apartment : single room type) inhabitants have been living in mokuzoapart for 6.3 years on the average, whereas the inhabitants of newly provided fireproof apartments (relatively small-size dwelling) have experienced in living only for 1.7 years. 2) This means the fact that the wooden apartments inhabitants have been aging. The average age of bunkajutaku inhabitants is 41.8 years old, as old as the detaced houses inhabitants or older than the row houses inhabitans. Similarly the average age of mokuzoapart inhabitants are 36.7 years old much older than of fireproof apartments. 3) These discrepancies between new houses and old wooden apartments are due to the income differentials. The income level of new houses inhabitants is lower than the statistical level, therefore those houses are low-quality in Osaka prefecture as a whole (refer to the previous report), nevertheless the wooden apartment inhabitants obtain much lesser income. Most of wooden apartments inhabitants are not able to move out to the new houses or other appropriate dwellings to improve their living conditions.
- 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 404 (0), 99-110, 1989
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001204778100224
- 110004081324
- AN10040144
- 24330043
- 09108017
- 2959692
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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