パリのパレ・ロワイヤルとその劇場の変遷について : 18・19世紀フランスにおける劇場と都市計画に関する研究 その1


  • THE PALAIS ROYAL IN PARIS AND ITS THEATRES : Theatrical architecture and town planning in the 18th and 19th centuries(Part 1)
  • パリ ノ パレ ロワイヤル ト ソノ ゲキジョウ ノ ヘンセン ニ ツイテ 18 19セイキ フランス ニ オケル ゲキジョウ ト トシ ケイカク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ソノ 1



The Palais Royal has played a central role in the history of theatres in France. It also had an important influence on the town-planning of Paris. In this research I analyse the relationship between the theatres which were built in the Palais Royal and the development of the surrounding area. From the examination of various plans, the different forms of theatres in their built form can be explained in terms of different ideas concerning urban structure. By charting these differences we can see a process of shift from a court theatre to a urban public theatre, which in turn changed the surrounding urban spaces. This analysis thus provides a new understanding of the relationship between theatres and the urban spaces that contain them.


被引用文献 (2)*注記


参考文献 (67)*注記


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