建築協定の更新による持続的協定運営の醸成実態について : 建築協定地区における持続的住環境管理システムに関する研究(その2)


  • A FERMENTABLE PROCESS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT BY RENEWAL ACTIVITIES OF THE BUILDING AGREEMENT : Study on sustainable environmental managements system in the building agreement areas (Part 2)
  • ケンチク キョウテイ ノ コウシン ニ ヨル ジゾクテキ キョウテイ ウンエイ ノ ジョウセイ ジッタイ ニ ツイテ ケンチク キョウテイ チク ニ オケル ジゾクテキジュウカンキョウ カンリ システム ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ソノ 2



The objective of this study is to clarify actual conditions on the renewal procedures and management activities of the building agreement and then make effective functions for building up residential environment through neighborhood participation by application of the agreement. By this research study, it was found that various measures for renewal of the agreement were established according to the actual status of the communities. And then it was further clarified that the building agreement had an important role for the means of leading a norm formation according to "cooperativity" and "autonomy" after re-concluding the agreement by the procedure of neighborhood consent. For these reasons, it was suggested that it's necessary for sustainable environmental management in the agreement areas to strengthen the social organization for supporting an agreement management by community association and renewing opportunity of the building agreement was important for anchoring sustainable environmental management.


被引用文献 (3)*注記


参考文献 (17)*注記


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