THE RESEARCH OF J.B. FISCHER VON ERLACH'S SPACE COMPOSITION : Plane composition analysis of the concentrated plane motif in Fischer's architectural works
- Dept. of Architecture, Ashikaga Institute of Technology
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- Other Title
- J.B.フィッシャー・フォン・エルラッハの空間構成の研究 : フィッシャー作品における集中式平面モチーフの平面構成分析
- J B フィッシャー フォン エルラッハ ノ クウカン コウセイ ノ ケンキュウ フィッシャー サクヒン ニ オケル シュウチュウシキ ヘイメン モチーフ ノ ヘイメン コウセイ ブンセキ
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Following aspects are demonstrated in my analysis: 1) Fischer attempted creating the concentrated type plane composition, which includes internal and external spaces such as triangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, rotund and astral type. 2) The composition is categorized into two technical patterns. In the first one, its external form builds up rotund and astral type. The second one consists of the combination of geometrical forms, which creates triangular and quadrangle types. 3) Following project are exemplified in the first pattern: The project of a large county house(1688), in which the composition of various geometrical or sector forms is fitted in to the internal part of the rotund composition: the project of an astral shaped provincial country house(1692-93), the hexagonal type composition, in which the diamond shape is put on the surrounded rotund composition and the project of an astral shaped chapel(1697), the pentagonal type composition, in which oblong oval type is arranged in the surrounded rotund composition, exemplify the first pattern. The second pattern is already mentioned in the previous paper. 4) The sepulchral chapel in the 'Schloss Frain"(1698) is considered an example of the exterior performance of new internal space by keeping consistent character as building on the outside and showing up the third space in the internal part by unifying two compositional patterns. 5) His endeavor enabled the development of other various concentrated type plane ; and his idea had presumably influence on Baroque architecture in Central Europe.
- Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 72 (618), 157-164, 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan
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- 1390001204784199808
- NII Article ID
- 110006366580
- NII Book ID
- AN10438548
- 18818161
- 13404210
- 8838569
- Text Lang
- ja
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