知的障害者小規模作業所における構造化手法を用いた支援の個別化に関する研究 : マレーシア・S作業所における作業環境の個別化とスケジュールシステムに着目して


  • STUDY ON THE INDIVIDUALIZED SUPPORTS THROUGH THE STRUCTURED TEACHING IN A WORKSHOP FOR PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES : A case study on a workshop in Malaysia with focusing on the individualized working environment and the schedule system
  • チテキ ショウガイシャ ショウキボ サギョウショ ニ オケル コウゾウカ シュホウ オ モチイタ シエン ノ コベツカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ マレーシア S サギョウショ ニ オケル サギョウ カンキョウ ノ コベツカ ト スケジュール システム ニ チャクモク シテ



"Structured teaching" of TEACCH, a method of setting proper environment for people with autism, has also potentials for empowering people with intellectual disabilities. In order to empower each individual person, the structured teaching needs to be re-examined in the context of individualized and flexible support system. This paper defines the individualized and flexible supports of setting environment as "environmental support," and attempts to clarify the validity and the meaning of the structured teaching in the support activities for people with intellectual disabilities. Taking an intensive case study of a workshop in Penang, Malaysia, this paper focuses on 1) the individualization of client's activity space, 2) the improvement of the working processes, 3) the moving routes of the clients, 4) the changes of interrelationships between the clients and the supporters. The research results lead to the conclusion that an introduction of the structured teaching into the support activities at the workshop made it possible to construct the highly organized working environment, and to improve the staffs' attitude from "directive" to "facilitative," and enabled the clients to act spontaneously.


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