町並み保存地区内外の住民の町並み保存に対する意識の差異 : 竹原重要伝統的建造物群保存地区を事例として


  • DIVERSE AWARENESS OF RESIDENTS WITH RESPECT TO SELECTED AND UN-SELECTED AREAS OF A COSERVATION ZONE : A case study of Takehara preservation district for groups of historic buildings
  • マチナミ ホゾン チク ナイガイ ノ ジュウミン ノ マチナミ ホゾン ニ タイスル イシキ ノ サイ タケハラ ジュウヨウ デントウテキ ケンゾウブツグン ホゾン チク オ ジレイ ト シテ



Conservation zones are viewed as part of the process of urban development by residents. Selected areas are different from un-selected areas in character, but also in other aspects such as townscape, living environment, and residents' awareness. The authors examine differences in residents' awareness of a conservation zone with respect to selected and un-selected areas. The main findings are as follows: (1) residents' awareness varies depending on age, occupation, habitation. Residents in selected areas are aware of conservation, however they don't realize that their buildings have remarkable historical significance; (2) residents who know about the establishment of the zone have joined in conservation activities, but other people would also like to join in. Thus there is a need to investigate more carefully residents' awareness with respect to selected and un-selected areas. Furthermore, there is a need to inform residents in un-selected areas about what will be done towards future conservation projects.


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