Perception and Acquisition of Rhythmic Units by Infants(L1 Acquisitioin,<Feature Articles>Phonetics and Phonology of Language Acquisition)

  • HAYASHI Akiko
    Research Institute for the Education of Exceptional Children, Tokyo Gakugei University

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Other Title
  • 乳児における言語のリズム構造の知覚と獲得(第一言語獲得,<特集>音声の獲得)
  • 乳児における言語のリズム構造の知覚と獲得
  • ニュウジ ニ オケル ゲンゴ ノ リズム コウゾウ ノ チカク ト カクトク

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In this paper, several studies about infants' ability to discriminate languages between birth and 4-5 months were reviewed. In the rhythmic class acquisition hypothesis, infants' initial sensitivity to rhythmic classes would allow them to specify the common rhythmic properties of their native rhythmic class, and from this they would develop an associated metrical segmentation procedure. In addition,several studies about American infants' ability to extract word-like units from fluent speech were reviewed. Finally, several studies about Japanese infants' sensitivity to the typical rhythm pattern based on morae of Japanese baby words were reviewed.


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