The actual situation of loss of weight at the time of summer running in the middle-aged trained runners
- Kashimura Osamu
- Faculty of International Agriculture and Food Studies, Tokyo University of Agriculture
- Nakai Seiichi
- Faculty of Home Economics, Kyoto Women's University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 中年ランナーにおける夏季ランニング時の体重減少の実態
- 中年ランナーにおける夏季ランニング時の体重減少の実態--とくに水分補給の面から
- チュウネン ランナー ニ オケル カキ ランニングジ ノ タイジュウ ゲンショウ ノ ジッタイ トクニ スイブン ホキュウ ノ メン カラ
- ―とくに水分補給の面から―
- —In particular by an aspect of hydration—
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The purpose of this study review the actual situation from an aspect of water intake about body weight loss, body temperature and pulse rate at summer running in the middle-aged runners. The subjects carried out running regularly with well male eight people of 55 years old from age 40 years old. The experiments measured loss of weight (almost equivalent to sweat rate), elevation of body temperature, pulse rate and environmental temperature during the running early in morning for about 60 minutes. This experiment was carried out in summer, 1998. The experiments carried out the case that did not do drinking when we ground drinking at running. Mean WBGT during running were 29.4±0.5°C. The rates of weight loss at running increased by the supplying of water, and the rise of tympanic temperature decreased by the supplying of water. It was appeared that the negative correlations were presented between quantity of water to drink and rises of tympanic temperature. As for the same condition of WBGT, body weight loss was significantly water drinking greater than water nothing drinking. Also, for the same condition of tympanic temperature, body weight loss was significantly greater water drinking than that nothing drinking. For the same average pulse rate it was found that rate of body weight loss was significantly water drinking greater than that nothing drinking. From the above, it was shown that summer running in the middle-aged runners was easy to occur heat-stroke disorder for the heat environmental condition and severe exercise load, and the supplying of water was important to prevent that disorder.<br>
Japanese Society of Biometeorology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204787982720
- NII Article ID
- 10026949879
- NII Book ID
- AN00193590
- 13477617
- 03891313
- 7821762
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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