Hot spring and immue function

  • Ohtsuka Yoshinori
    Health Administration Center, Hokkaido University
  • Nakaya Jun
    Advanced Clinical Research Center, Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo

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  • 温泉と免疫
  • オンセン ト メンエキ

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Changes in immunological system are thought to be one of the underlining mechanisms of balneotherapy effects, which might be dependent on number of bathing times and the type of hot springs. Balneotherapy at the extremely hot and acidic springs such as Kusatsu-onsen and the very cold springs such as Kan-no-jigoku-onsen works immune suppressively. On the other hand, balneotherapy at a simple thermal which is not so stimulative to human body enhances immune function. Immune function is also affected even by overnight stay at a certain spa.<br>



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