Effects of an Educational Program Aimed to Improve Partnership-building Ability of Family Caregivers Caring for Persons with Dementia

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Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an educational program (a total of four sessions) aimed to improve partnership-building ability, focusing on family caregivers of persons with dementia. Method: A non-randomized controlled trial was conducted in 43 caregivers who completed the survey, and the subjects were assigned to an intervention group (n = 22) and a comparison group (n = 21). The intervention group was asked to attend the educational program, whereas the comparison group was provided with a booklet of key elements excerpted from the educational program. As indicators of effectiveness, ability of caregivers to build partnerships, a sense of burden and positive feeling toward caregiving, and use of social support were measured before, immediately after, and 2 months after the intervention. Results: The ability to build partnerships with persons with dementia and positive feelings toward caregiving were significantly improved in the intervention group compared with the comparison group. However, there was no significant difference between both groups in the ability to build partnerships with health professionals, other family members or neighbors, use of social support, and sense of burden toward caregiving. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the effectiveness of the educational program in improving the ability of family caregivers to build partnerships with persons with dementia and in enhancing positive feeling toward caregiving.


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