

  • Frequency and risk factors for retinopathy associated with pegylated interferon .ALPHA.2b and ribavirin combination therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C
  • Cガタ マンセイ カンエン ニ タイスル ペグインターフェロン リバビリン ヘイヨウ リョウホウ ニ オケル インターフェロン モウマクショウ ノ ケントウ
  • Frequency and risk factors for retinopathy associated with pegylated interferon α2b and ribavirin combination therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C



We investigated the frequency and risk factors for interferon associated retinopathy in 39 patients with chronic hepatitis C who were treated by pegylated interferon α2b and ribavirin combination therapy for 48 weeks. Optic fundi were examined before, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 weeks after the start and 24 weeks after the end of therapy. Nine patients (23.1%) developed retinopathy. No patient complained of visual disturbance. Retinopathy disappeared in all patients after the end of therapy. Hypertension was found to be the factor for predicting retinopathy by multiple logistic regression analysis. It is suggested that patients who are being treated for pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy, particularly those with hypertension, should undergo periodic examination of the optic fundi.<br>


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 49 (11), 520-523, 2008

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

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