Viewpoints on the providing of information about liver disease to patients with chronic liver disease in classes on liver disease

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  • 慢性肝疾患患者を対象とした肝臓病教室での情報提供に対する医療者および患者の意識調査に関する検討
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Medical staff (55) and out-patients (176) of 22 hospitals in Osaka were asked to respond to questionnaires about educational classes on liver disease. In seven hospitals, such classes were held regularly, but not in fifteen. Factors interfering with the holding of classes regularly were lack of motivation, shortage of trained staff, and lack of preparation time. However, 95% of the medical staff and 94% of the patients thought such classes to be useful for self-management, promotion of the active acceptance of treatment, and reduction of anxiety. The most important information provided was considered by the medical staff to be 'knowledges about liver disease', while the patients chose 'methods of treatment'. These findings point to the need to develop an effective method for the education of patients with chronic liver disease.<br>


  • Kanzo

    Kanzo 50 (7), 356-361, 2009

    The Japan Society of Hepatology


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