

  • Biochemical Mechanism for Sequestration of Toxic Cadmium Ions in Rat Livers
  • カンゾウ ミトコンドリア キノウ セイタイ ボウギョ ハンノウ キコウ ニ ツ
  • 生体防禦反応機構についての生化学的研究



The changes in mitochondrial respiratory activities and cytochrome concentrations of the liver were investigated when cadmium (Cd) was administered to the normal adult, normal young, and ethionine-fed adult rats (0.6% ethionine containing diet for twelve weeks).<BR>When 109Cd was given in vivo, it was accumulated predominantly in the liver supernatant. Adult rats following 7 days-administration of 30 ppm Cd as a drink water exhibited no change in liver mitochondrial function. However, young rats of 21 and 31 days old as well as the ethionine-fed rats treated in the same way as the adult showed an impairment of liver mitochondrial respiratory function. Cytochrome concentrations in liver mitochondria increased in Cd-administered, ethionine-fed rats, while mitochondrial protein increased with minimal change of mitochondrial cytochrome concentration in Cd-administered, young rat livers.<BR>It was found by the in vitro experiment that Cd was a strong uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, effective at a concentration of 5 × 10-7 M, and inhibited at 10-5 M the electron transfer between the substrate and cytochrome b in mitochondrial respiratory chain. When the adult rat liver supernatant was incubated either with adult or young rat liver mitochonrdrial suspension, the toxic effects of Cd on mitochondrial respiration significantly decreased. In contrast, the supernatant obtained from the young rats showed no effect. The liver supernatant obtained from 31 days old rats, pretreated with 3 mg of spironolactone per 25 g body weight for 3 days, had a prominent effect on diminution of Cd toxicity. It appers that the interaction of Cd with substance (s) in liver supernatant is of great significance for detoxification of Cd.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 16 (12), 841-850, 1975

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

