

  • A quantitative study on distortion of hepatic lobular architecture in needle biopsy specimens obtained from alcoholics
  • アルコール タインシャ ニ オケル カン ショウヨウ コウゾウ ノ ヒズミ ニ



Distortion degree of hepatic lobular architecture and degree of fibrosis were quantitatively studied on needle biopsy specimens obtained from cases in the early or more slightly advanced stage of chronic alcoholic liver injury and non-alcoholic one, in which P-C or P-P bridging was absent or rarely found. Using ten-times magnified photogram of whole biopsy specimen of Mallory's Azan staining, distances from each portal tract to the nearest two ones were consecutively measured and distortion index of hepatic lobular architecture was given by the quotient of the standard deviation value devided by the mean value of these distances. Fibrosis index was expressed as per cent of the total squaremeasure of fibrosis areas to that of the whole specimen. Values of distortion index in alcoholic group were siggnificantly higher than those in non-alcoholic gruop (p<0.001). This fact was thought to be a histological characteristic in the early or more slightly advanced stage of chronic alcoholic iiver injury. And there was significant correlation between distortion index and fibrosis index in alcoholic group (P<0.01), but not in non-alcoholic group.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 19 (2), 162-166, 1978

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

