On the production efficiency concerned with the buffer capacity in automatic assembling lines.
- HONMA Yoshihiko
- 正会員 秋田大学教育学部
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- Other Title
- 組立ラインにおけるバッファストックの容量とか働率
- クミタテ ライン ニ オケル バッファストック ノ ヨウリョウ ト カドウリツ
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The paper proposes a simple calculating method for the production efficiency of automatic assembling lines. Machine stoppages of the line are occurred by various troubles in workheads or stations or by interferences with troubles in adjacent workheads. It is an important design problem to decrease those interferences and improve the production efficiency of the line. To this end, in automatic assembling lines, an intermediate storage buffer is set between workheads or stations. In this paper, in order to make clearly the relation between the production efficiency and buffer volume, at first, the simple and fundamental line composed two workheads which are connected with an intermediate buffer is subjected for the fundamental element of lines. Then, a method to calculate the interrupted time of the element is shown by considerations for frequency of troubles with comparatively small probabilities. The production efficiency of the lines is analysed by the interrupted time of the element. At the end, some examples are calculated numerically and simulations are performed by a degital computer for examples. From those both results, it is shown that the method is valuable to estimate the production efficiency of automatic assemlbling lines.
- Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 52 (9), 1547-1552, 1986
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204796167680
- NII Article ID
- 10002974853
- 110001368923
- NII Book ID
- AN1003250X
- 1882675X
- 09120289
- 3100032
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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