

  • Analysis of Diffraction Image Due to Surface Micro-Geometry for an Optical Profiling Sensor by the Focus Detection Method
  • 焦点検出式輪郭測定センサを対象とした微細凹凸面による回折像解析
  • ショウテン ケンシュツシキ リンカク ソクテイ センサ オ タイショウ ト シタ ビサイ オウトツメン ニ ヨル カイセツゾウ カイセキ



Based on a knife-edge optical displacement sensor, the intensity distribution in a detector plane reflected from an irradiated surface spot with micro-geometry was theoretically analyzed using the point spread function. Then the digitized height maps obtained by an AFM for electrical discharge machined surfaces and ground surfaces were used to calculate the reflection intensity distributions in order to investigate the infl uences of optical confi guration, surface micro-geometry and spot shape. It is revealed that the focus signal varies significantly with the irradiation position for both surfaces under test and the displacement signal of the sensor is strongly affected by the micro-geometry on an irradiated spot. We also demonstrated that the signal variation due to surface micro-geometry can be reduced up to 70% by employing an elliptical rather than a circular irradiation spot.


  • 精密工学会誌

    精密工学会誌 77 (4), 428-432, 2011

    公益社団法人 精密工学会

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