Treatment of herpes zoster with acyclovir. A trial to establish a regime applicable to outpatients.


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Other Title
  • アシクロビルによる帯状ほうしんの治療  簡便法確立の試み
  • -A Trial to Establish a Regime Applicable to Outpatients-
  • -簡便法確立の試み-


Acylovir therapy was performed to patients with herpes zoster with or without underlying diseases such as malignant lymphoma, neuroblastoma, pemphigus, systemic lupus erythematosus and so on. Acyclovir (5 mg/kg) had to be given 3 times/day for at least 3 days in case of the patients with underlying diseases. In contrast, the patients without any underlying diseases required Acyclovir injection 2 times/day to treat herpes zoster. In order to establish a regime applicable to outpatients, 10 mg/kg of Acyclovir were given intraveneously once a day for 3 days to treat 10 patients without underlying diseases. The patients responded well to this regime. Blister formation was suppressed within 3 days after the first injection. Reduction of pain was noted within 2 days and the pain disappeared within 3 days in 6 cases, 5 days in 3 cases and 10 days in 1 case. Thus our regime of Acyclovir administration will be an useful aid to treat patients with herpes zoster in outpatient clinics.<BR>3 cases withe postherpetic neuralgia were also treated by our regime. Deep pain was disappeared with this treatment, however, superficial pain was registant to this treatment.


  • Skin research

    Skin research 28 (3), 464-468, 1986

    Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association

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    • CiNii Articles
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