スキンケアの理論と実際 湿度環境と皮膚バリアー維持機構


  • Scientific Basis of Today's Skin Care: Environmental Humidity and Barrier Function of Stratum Corneum.



Importance of moisturization for skin care has long been recognized, however, the biologicalbasis of its efficasy has not been cleared. Moreover, although considerable evidencesuggests that low humidity or skin surface dryness may contribute to the excerbations ofcutaneous dermatoses, the mechanisms by which alterations in relative humidity might in-fluence cutaneous pathology are poorly understood.<BR>We recently studied the effects of environmental humidity on skin condition and itshomeostatic mechanism. These results suggest that the important role of the stratum cor-neum as a water impermeable barrier and also as a buffer against environmental dryness.On the other hand, many reports demonstrated that the declines of these stratum corneumfunction which might be induced by various causes.<BR>Based on these recent studies, here, I would like to present a possibility of new skincare system which consider the homeostatic mechanism of the cutaneous function.Skin.


  • 皮膚

    皮膚 41 (5), 518-523, 1999


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