Three Cases of Biliary Atresia Necessitating Liver Transplant After Normal Growth Spurt

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  • 思春期の急速な身体発育の後に肝移植が必要となった胆道閉鎖症の 3 例

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Three patients with biliary atresia who required liver transplants at the ages of 14, 15 and 19 years during or after a normal growth spurt are reported. These patients underwent Kasai portojejunostomy on days 78, 68 and 85, respectively. All patients had portal hypertension, requiring esophageal transection and splenectomy for two and endoscopic slcerotherapy for one. One patient with an associated intrapulmonary shunt died due to cerebral embolization soon after liver transplantation. Taking the advantage of living-related liver transplants, these patients could have been transplanted before growth spurt with better matches between patients and grafts.


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