Measurement and Evaluation of Electric Power Consumption of Feed Drive Systems in NC Machine Tool
- 神戸大学大学院工学研究科
- SATO Ryuta
- 神戸大学大学院工学研究科
- SHIRASE Keiichi
- 神戸大学大学院工学研究科
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- Other Title
- 数値制御工作機械の送り駆動系における消費電力の測定と評価
- スウチ セイギョ コウサク キカイ ノ オクリ クドウケイ ニ オケル ショウヒ デンリョク ノ ソクテイ ト ヒョウカ
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Reducing the electric power consumption in NC machine tools is strongly demanded in these years, because the NC machine tools are one of the main facilities in the manufacturing field. Thus measuring tests of the power consumption in an NC machine tool for all components were measured in other studies up to now. This study focused onto the power consumption of feed drive systems. In this study, electric power consumption of an actual 5-axis vertical type machining center consists of X, Y, Z, B and C axes is measured. In order to investigate the electric power consumption of feed drive systems, currency and voltage of servo amplifiers are measured. At first, the measuring tests of each axis are carried out under various feed rate. As the results of the measurements, it is clarified that the power consumption depends on the motion velocity and torque. In addition, acceleration-deceleration parameters and servo gains are also changed to investigate the influences of the parameters. These parameters have big influences on the power consumption during the acceleration-deceleration process. The results of this study show that the electric power consumption might be reduced by changing the motion and parameters of the axes.
- Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 79 (10), 930-936, 2013
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204829201664
- NII Article ID
- 120005372379
- 130003384909
- NII Book ID
- AN1003250X
- 1882675X
- 09120289
- 20.500.14094/90001945
- 024937065
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed