Treatment of Essential and Parkinsonian Tremor with Nipradilol.


  • Treatment of Essential and Parkinsonian



Nipradilol is a new type of β-blocker which possesses nitroglycerin-like vasodilating action in addition to β-blocking action. We investigated the efficacy and safety of nipradilol for treating tremor in 20 patients with essential tremor (ET group) and 20 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD group). AH patients received nipradilol (6 mg per day) for more than 8 weeks. Improvement of tremor appeared within 2 or 4 weeks after the start of nipradilol therapy, and the efficacy rate, denned as "moderately effective" or over, was 42.5% in all 40 patients, while that defined as "slightly effective" or over was 87.5%. The efficacy rate tended to be higher in the ET group compared with the PD group. Mean blood pressure was significantly decreased from the 4th week after the start of treatment and heart rate was significantly reduced from the 2nd week of treatment. Laboratory examination showed no significant changes.<br>(Internal Medicine 35: 861-865, 1996)


  • Internal Medicine

    Internal Medicine 35 (11), 861-865, 1996

    一般社団法人 日本内科学会

参考文献 (17)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

