

  • Studies on Diagnosis of Death from Drowning, by Means of Detection of the Vegetative Planktons (Diatoms)
  • 第2編 クロロホルム,エーテルおよびラボナールによる各麻酔時,アルコール酩酊時ならびにブロバリン,アドルムおよびバラミン各投与による催眠時において河中に投じ死亡させたウサギの死体臓器ならびに骨からの珪藻の
  • Part 2. Detection of the Vegetative Planktons (Diatoms) from Organs and Bones of the Rabbits That Were Drowned to Death under Narcosis, Drunkenness and Hypnosis



The authors have experimented to detect the vegetative planktons (diatoms) from organs and bones of the rabbits that were drowned to death under light and deep narcosis with chloroform, ether and Ravonal, under light, middle and deep drunkenness, under hypnosis by administration with Brovarin, Adorm and Valamin. Results are following;<br>1) Planktons could be detected from organs and bones of rabbits that were drowned to death under narcosis with chloroform, ether and Ravonal, under few degrees of drunkenness with alcohol, under hypnosis by administration with Brovarin, Adorm and Valamin.<br>2) Planktons could be detected almost same number in the experiments using the rabbits under narcosis with ether and Rabonal and light narcosis with chloroform, but smaller numbers under deep narcosis with chloroform.<br>3) As become deeper the drunkenness, smaller numbers of planktons could be detected in the experiments used alcohol.<br>4) In the experiments used rabbits under hypnosis by administration with Brovarin, Adorm and Valamin, total number of planktons detected from the organs and bones of rabbits lesser in case of using Brovarin, Adorm and Valamin orderly.


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