Studies on Tissue Culture of Spleen

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  • 脾組織培養に関する研究
  • 第2編 脾細網細胞の中性赤並びにヤーヌス緑Bによる生体染色及び墨粒貪喰に就いて
  • Chapter II Vital Observation of Splenic Reticulum Cells by Vital Staining

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Janus green B and neutral red were used for vital staining of mouse splenic reticulum cells that have been described in the chapter I and phagocytic activities were observed by carbon particle feeding.<br>1) With my estabished method, observation of vital staining of splenic reticulum cells were possible under condition avoiding deletrious effects of stain after various time intervals of culture.<br>2) Each type of reticulum cells which were classified in the chapter I was characteristically separated by vital staining method.<br>i) Neutral red granules and vacuoles increased in size and number. On the other hand, janus green B granules decreased and/or vanished, in the stage of I, II and III type of reticulum cells. These findings showed that type I reticuum cells matured into type II and then type III reticulum cells in this order.<br>ii) In the cytoplasm of type III reticulum cells, markedly enlarged red vaculoes and phagocytized stainable materials were observed.<br>3) Some of the neutral red stainable materials were vaculoes induced by toxic effects of neutral red and janus green B stain.<br>4) Reticulum cells cultured over 120 hours were stained immediately and faded sooner, in contrast to reticulum cells in the relatively early stage. This phenomenon was thought to be related to the declining function of the cell.<br>5) By addition of carbon particles to medium, most of type I and II reticulum cells showed little phagocytic ability, but type III reticulum cells manifested active phagocytosis so that their cytoplasm was filled with carbon particles. That was considered to be specific function to type III reticulum cells.


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