My View on the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine of The University of Tokyo
- Kuboki Tomifusa
- The University of Tokyo
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- 東京大学心療内科の30年(第47回日本心身医学会総会)
- 第47回日本心身医学会総会 会長講演/東京大学心療内科の30年
- ダイ47カイ ニホン シンシン イガッカイ ソウカイ カイチョウ コウエン トウキョウ ダイガクシンリョウナイカ ノ 30ネン
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1. At the 47^<th> Annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, I had the opportunity to give the President's lecture entitled "The 30year History of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo". The University of Tokyo's Department of Psychosomatic Medicine (within the Graduate School of Medicine) was established at the branch hospital of the University of Tokyo in 1972. At that time, key players in the hospital were associate professor Hitoshi Ishikawa and department manager, Takenori Kikuchi. After Dr. Ishikawa became the first professor at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, he introduced five principles of cybernetics in psychosomatic medicine, developed the TEG (Tokyo University Egogram), and established cybernation therapy. In addition, he proposed "Awareness and Self-control Medicine", served as director of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, was Chairman of the editorial board for the Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, and was executive director of the 4^<th> World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine (the 4^<th> WCPM; chaired by Dr. Ikemi, in Kyoto in 1977). Furthermore, he contributed to the accession of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine to the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences. 2. As the third professor of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, I attended, as a committee member, the WHO's World Study Group of Panic Disorder (chaired by Dr. G. Klerman) and World Study Group of Eating Disorder (chaired by Dr. B. Liana). In Japan, I hosted the Psychosomatic Symposium in Tokyo for three consecutive years. In addition, I participated in the integration of the main and branch hospitals of the University of Tokyo Hospital, as well as established the Psychosomatic Medicine Ward. Furthermore, in 2005, I served as the chair of the Organizing Committee of the 18^<th> WCPM in Kobe. 3. Finally, from recent studies, the following 4 topics were reviewed: 1) Mind-body correlation matrix, 2) Regional brain glucose metabolism in patients with panic disorder at rest using PET, 3) Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) , and 4) The development of diagnostic criteria for mild depression.
- Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 47 (1), 25-31, 2007
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
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- 1390001204891812736
- NII Article ID
- 110006163076
- NII Book ID
- AN00121636
- 21895996
- 03850307
- 8588356
- Text Lang
- ja
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