Undergraduate Education of Psychosomatic Medicine from Psychiatric Viewpoint(Current Situation and Future Tasks for Incorporation of Psychosomatic Medicine in Undergraduate Medical Education)
- Ohmori Tetsuro
- Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Healthbioscience, Tokushima University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 精神科からみた心身医学卒前教育(卒前医学教育における心身医学教育の現状と普及への課題,2014年,第55回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会(千葉))
- 精神科からみた心身医学卒前教育
- セイシンカ カラ ミタ シンシン イガクソツ ゼン キョウイク
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In medical schools without the department of psychosomatic medicine, the department of psychiatry plays the central role in the undergraduate education of psychosomatic medicine. Psychosomatic medicine in a broad sense is a clinical approach which aims to see every patient of any disease from not only physical aspects but also psychosocial aspects. It is not different from psychiatric approach, although psychiatry mainly deals with mental illnesses while psychosomatic medicine mainly deals with somatic diseases. In Tokushima University, the department of psychiatry assumes responsibility in lectures on medical psychology and general psychiatry as well as clinical clerkship of psychiatry. From now on, what is emphasized more in medical education is clinical clerkship. In order to reach a U. S. standard, each medical school tries to extend the period of clinical training. The education of psychosomatic medicine also needs to consider this trend. Introducing the case of Tokushima University, significance of the undergraduate education of psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine is considered.
- Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 55 (2), 127-132, 2015
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204892752768
- NII Article ID
- 110009908938
- NII Book ID
- AN00121636
- 21895996
- 03850307
- 026056337
- Text Lang
- ja
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