I Hope to Improve in Palliative Care from the Early Phase of Cancer Treatment : the Role of Psychosomatic Medicine(How Can Psychosomatic Medicine Contribute to the Improvement of Palliative Care?)

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In the past few years, development of palliative care has been remarkable. "Cancer Control Act" was enforced in April 1st, 2007. Many medical doctors have received education in palliative care. Palliative care from the early phase of cancer treatment has been recommended to relieve both physical and psychological sufferings. I have pursued palliative care for about 18years. I also think that it is important to study with palliation of physical and psychological pain. What I learned in Kyushu University about communication skill has been helpful to me and to my job. It is expected that psychiatrists and psychotherapic physicians play an important part in palliative care, which includes 1) Education and enlightenment of communication skill for health care professionals, 2) Intervention on the early phase of cancer treatment, 3) Education and enlightenment for the general citizens about "cancer and mind", 4) Education for medical students who assume the responsibility in the next generation. I will contribute to the development of palliative care in Kumamoto Prefecture (Kyushu).



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