A Comparison of Development of Causal Inference in Deaf Children

  • Nohara Akira
    Pediatrics, Department of Clinical Services and Technology, Asahi General Hospital
  • Hirota Eiko
    Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba

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  • 高度聴覚障害児における因果推論の発達に関する検討

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This study examined the difference in causal inference development between deaf and hearing children (NH). The deaf group consisted of 21 second- and third-year students in a school for the deaf. The NH group included 61 3- to 6-year-olds. Both groups were asked about three causal inference topics (natural or phenomenon change, living/nonliving property). By analyzing the results in terms of domain knowledge and conceptual stage, the causal characteristic in the deaf group was examined. The results showed that development of a causal explanation was difficult in the order of phenomenon change, living/nonliving property, and natural phenomenon, and showed a tendency similar to the NH group (4- to 6-year-old level). The deaf group was subdivided into two groups based on individual results. In the excellent score group, both phenomenon change and living/nonliving property were good but natural change was lower. The low score group showed delay in living/nonliving property and natural change, especially in the conceptual stage. These results suggest that it may be effective for understanding of causal explanation development to evaluate three topics using two terms (domain knowledge, conceptual stage).



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