

  • Association of Abnormal Electrogastrography and Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetic Patients without Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms.
  • アキラカ ナ ジョウブ ショウカキ ショウジョウ オ トモナワナイ トウニョウビョウ カンジャ ニ オケル イデンズ ノ ケントウ



Much attention is being paid to cutaneous electrogastrography as a noninvasive gastric function test. We studied electrogastrography in diabetic patients without upper gastrointestinal symptoms from the standpoint of autonomic neuropathy in 19 asymptomatic diabetic patients and 7 healthy controls. Diabetic patients were divided into those without (n=10) and those with autonomic neuropathy (n=9) based on heart rate variability tests. The percentage of time in normal 3 cpm did not differ between control and diabetic patients with and without autonomic neuropathy before a meal, whereas after a meal, it was significantly lower in those with autonomic neuropathy than in controls (67±10% in controls, 48±6% in diabetics without autonomic neuropathy, 37±9% in diabetics with autonomic neuropathy, p< 0.05 vs controls). The postprandial? to-fasting power ratio tended to decreased in diabetic patients compared to controls. We found that abnormal electrogastrography may be associated with autonomic neuropathy in asymptomatic diabetic patients, suggesting that electrogastrography may be useful for detecting gastric autonomic neuropathy.


  • 糖尿病

    糖尿病 45 (3), 167-171, 2002

    一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会

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