糖尿病患者の長期経過観察  生命予後および死因に関する検討


  • Long-term Follow-up Study of Diabetic Patients in Osaka, Japan
  • トウニョウビョウ カンジャ ノ チョウキ ケイカ カンサツ セイメイ ヨゴ オ
  • 生命予後および死因に関する検討



A systematic follow-up study of diabetic patients was begun in 1978, in attempt to elucidate their clinical course and prognosis over the long term The subjects studied comprised 1, 850 diabetic patients (1, 132 males and 718 females), who were first seen between 1960 and 1979 and registered at our hospital, and were followed up until the end of 1980 The average follow-up period was 6.3 years for both sexes.<BR>The fates of the subjects were confirmed by the following methods: a) questionnaire survey of those who had discontinued their visits since last year, b) checking of residents' registration files at local authorities for non-responders to the questionnaire survey, and c) other available methods of contacting patients. As a result, 1, 536 cases were found to be alive, and 313 cases were dead, leaving only one unknown case.<BR>The mean mortality rate per year was 3.11% for males and 1.96% for females The ratio of the observed number of deaths to the expected one, which was computed by using life tables for Japan during the follow-up period, or the O/E ratio was 1.74 for males and 1.56 for females, indicating an excess mortality for both sexes among diabetic patients as comared to the general population and a higher mortality in males than in females.<BR>Higher mortality was observed in patients with an age at onset of younger than 45 years, those with a systolic blood pressure in excess of 160 mmHg, albuminuria, a fasting serum glucose of more than 200 mg/dl or a 2-hour serum glucose of more than 300 mg/dl at the baseline, those with poor metabolic control during the follow-up period, and those with insulin treatment, compared to their counterparts.<BR>Cerebro-cardio-renal vascular diseases represented the leading causes of death, accounting for approximately half of all deaths. In this category, cerebrovascular disease was first on the list, followed by heart disease and then renal disease. However, when compared to the expected number of deaths computed on the basis of the national mortality statistics, the increase in renal disease was mostremarkable. Malignant neoplasms also indicated an increased O/E ratio, and accounted for about one quarter of the total deaths. Among them, an increase in liver and pancreas cancer was noted. On the other hand, cirrhosis of the liver revealed an increased O/E ratio, which was considered characteristic of Japanese diabetics.


  • 糖尿病

    糖尿病 25 (8), 915-922, 1982

    一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

