

  • A Case of Slowly Progressive IDDM with Anti-GAD Antibody Detectable Even after a 20 Year Duration of Diabetes.



A 69-year old male was first admitted to our hospital at age 49 years, in May 1976, complaining of positive urinary glucose. The first examination in our hospital demonstrated a fasting plasma glucose level of 139mg/dl while urinary ketones were negative. After discharge, the patient maintained good glycemic control with a diet of 1760 kcal/day and oral glybuzole (125mg/day). Good plasma glucose was maintained up to January of 1977.<BR>In February of the same year, glycemic control deteriorated and insulin treatment was started with eight units of lente insulin every morning. The highest plasma CPR value was 1.1ng/ml in response to a 75g oral glucose tolerance test conducted in 1981. Five years after the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, endogenous insulin secretion capacity had significantly decreased. ICA were negative while anti-GAD Abs were positive with a value of 63au/ml (normal value: less than 35au/ml) in 1995.<BR>Considering the progression of β cell dysfunction during observation, the clinical characteristics of this patient appear to be compatible with slowly progressive IDDM. It is noteworthy that anti-GAD antibody was still positive 20 years after the diagnosis of diabetes.


  • 糖尿病

    糖尿病 39 (4), 289-293, 1996

    一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会

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