<b>Indicators for Treatment of Coldness with Tokishakuyakusan and Kamishoyosan </b>
- Institute of Oriental Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine
- TANAKA Akira
- Department of Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine
- SATO Hiroshi
- Institute of Oriental Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine
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- Other Title
- <b>当帰芍薬散および加味逍遙散が</b><b>有効な冷えについての検討 </b>
- 当帰芍薬散および加味逍遥散が有効な冷えについての検討
- トウキシャクヤクサン オヨビ カミ ショウヨウサン ガ ユウコウ ナ ヒエ ニ ツイテ ノ ケントウ
- Indicators for Treatment of Coldness with Tokishakuyakusan and Kamishoyosan
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Objectives : We evaluated the efficacy of tokishakuyakusan and kamishoyosan for patients who complained of feeling cold, and identified key symptoms that would predict positive treatment outcomes for coldness with these medicines.<br>Design : A retrospective cohort study<br>Subjects and Methods : The subjects were 188 patients who reported feeling cold. They were treated with tokishakuyakusan or kamishoyosan according to their Sho for more than one month. The relationships between improvement of cold sensation and 62 factors, including other symptoms noted at the first medical examination, were evaluated by means of cross-sectional analysis, followed by logistic regression.<br>Results : The factors of coldness of the abdomen (odds ratio, 5.0), vertigo (7.7), dimness of sight (16) and blushing (5.6), without anger (0.11) or tinnitus (0.025), were found to be predictors of a positive effect with tokishakuyakusan treatment (p < 0.001). The factors of hot flushes (14), without coldness of the whole body (0.099), and faint feeling (0.21) were significant for kamishoyosan (p < 0.001). This suggests that kamishoyosan can improve subjective coldness of the extremities (AIC -8.64), especially of the legs (-2.23).<br>Conclusions : Coldness in the abdomen was an important indicator for treatment with tokishakuyakusan, while coldness in the legs, but not in the whole body, was important in the case of kamishoyosan.
- Kampo Medicine
Kampo Medicine 64 (4), 205-211, 2013
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
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- 1390001204910181632
- NII Article ID
- 130003385094
- NII Book ID
- AN00015774
- 1882756X
- 02874857
- 024838898
- Text Lang
- ja
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