A note on a multiple-resistant or -tolerant colony of Culex pipiens to organophosphorus insecticides

  • Suzuki Takeshi
    Division of Pest Control, Japan Environmental Sanitation Center:Department of Parasitology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo

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  • 各種有機燐殺虫剤に抵抗性のアカイエカの発見
  • カクシュ ユウキ リン サッチュウザイ ニ テイコウセイ ノ アカイエカ ノ ハッケン

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A colony of Culex pipiens pallens which was multiple-resistant or -tolerant to organophosphorus insecticides was found in central Honshu of Japan in August 1967. The LC-50's of 10 insecticides in the larvae were assessed by WHO test method as follows (the resistance ratio was shown in parenthis) : diazinon 0.18ppm (5.8), malathion 0.37ppm (12.3), fenitrothion 0.082ppm (12.1), fenthion 0.050ppm (23.8), dichlorvos 0.22ppm (6.9), trichlorfon 1.2ppm (12.0), Dursban 0.0071ppm (9.5), Abate 0.017ppm (29.8), bromophos 0.020ppm (5.4), S-4115 0.068ppm (19.4). In the locality, several organophosphorus insecticides such as diazinon, malathion, dichlorvos, fenthion and fenitrothion have been applied to the breeding sources in these 10 years. However, new insecticides, i. e. Dursban, Abate, bromophos and S-4115, have never been applied even if for the purpose of a field control experiment. Therefore, it is concluded here that higher LC-50's of the above four new insecticides have resulted from the cross resistance with some insecticide (s) ever used in the locality.


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