Basic studies on the Mongolian gerbil as a susceptible host to filarial infection comparative studies on growth and reproduction among coat color mutants and genetic analysis of coat colors.

    Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Nippon Medical School
    Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Nippon Medical School
    Department of Medical Zoology, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
    Department of Medical Zoology, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

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  • フィラリア感染好適宿主としてのMongolian gerbil-被毛色突然変異体の成長と繁殖に関する比較および被毛色の遺伝様式について
  • フィラリア感染好適宿主としてのMongolian gerbil--被毛色突然変異体の成長と繁殖に関する比較および被毛色の遺伝様式について〔英文〕
  • フィラリア カンセン コウテキ シュクシュ トシテノ Mongolian ge

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In order to know the basic nature of the various color mutants of the gerbil as the susceptible host to filarial infection, the growth curve as well as food and water consumption volume and reproduction rates were compared among coat color mutants of the Mongolian gerbil, such as agouti, white spotted-agouti, albino, black and white spotted-black type mutants.<BR>There was almost no significant difference in growth curve and reproduction rates among the color mutants. Namely, mean weights of these newborns and of matures among these gerbils were 3.0 g, and 60 g in male or 52 g in female respectively, and the mean number of newborns among mutants was 4.2 to 4.8. However, the periods of delivery among these mutants varied to wide ranges. As the reasons of the change of the delivery periods, it was considered that the post-partum oestrus occurred in some of the gerbils, and in these gerbils, the delayed implantation of the placenta were seen relatively often and also in some gerbils, the irregular oestrus cycle was existed.<BR>In addition, some genetic studies on coat colors were carried out. It appeared that some genes controlling coat colors exist in the gerbils as in mice or rats, and it suggested that albino and black colors are controlled by autosomal ressesive genes.<BR>The coat color mutants of the gerbils also will be useful animal as the susceptible host to filarial infection.


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