喘息及び蕁麻疹の疫学的研究(I) : 農村の発生率と素質的解析


  • The Incidences of Asthma and Urticaria in Rural Populations of Japan and the Results of Clinical Analysis
  • 喘息及び蕁麻疹の疫学的研究-1-
  • ゼンソク オヨビ ジンマシン ノ エキガクテキ ケンキュウ 1



Clinical mass survey in the rural population was carried out on allergic diseases, mainly bronchial asthma and urticaria. Two sample fields were selected, the one was in a hill region near Tokyo, and the other very near to the sea in Shizuoka Prefecture. Number of the tested was 400 of both sexes (over 20 yrs. old) in the former, and 488 of both sexes (over 6 yrs. old) in the latter. Incidence of asthma in each field was same as 1.2% and half of the asthmatic patients had healed completely in their childhood. Incidence of urticaria including even mild cases was about 10% in each field, and was slightly higher in female than male. Concerning heredity, all asthmatic patients detected had positive family history of allergic disease. The same was found in 70% of urticarial patients. When one of the parents suffered from asthma or urticaria, occurance of these diseases in their children was 80%. Main provocative causes were the common cold in asthma, and foods (particularly fishes) and cold stress in urticaria. All the test subjects were asked for unspecific symptoms and signs minutely, because even patients detected were almost free of symptoms of asthma and/or urticaria at the time of survey. Such symptoms and signs as fatigue, getting common cold easily, coated tongue (a sign of stomach disorder) and abdominal pain were observed more frequently in the group of patients with asthma and/or urticaria. Low blood pressure was observed also more frequently in this group. But no differences were found in hemoglobin level, electro-cardiography and urine examination compared with the control. Slender figure was observed more frequently in the male patients with asthma and/or urticaria. Skin sensitivity to histamine was higher in the group of patients with asthma and/or urticaria than the control. Meanwhile, the percentage of eosinophilic cells in blood and the cholinesterase activity in serum in the group of asthma and/or urticaria showed no abnormal shift compared with that of the control.


  • アレルギー

    アレルギー 10 (3), 230-237,244-24, 1961

    一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記


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