Number of Dental Hygienists Needed to Provide Preventive Dental Care for Adults -A Status Survey Involving Dental Clinics in Yamanashi Prefecture-

  • TAGUCHI Kanako
    Course of Oral Health and Welfare Niigata University Graduate School of Medical Dental Sciences Lion Foundation for Dental Health

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<p>The purpose of this study was to calculate the number of dental hygienists (DH) required to provide sufficient preventive dental care for adults (Needed DH), to compare it with the number of dental hygienists actually employed (Employed DH), and to determine the status of preventive dental care for adults. Dental clinics in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan were requested to complete a questionnaire that included the following queries: number of Employed DH, working hours, mean duration of preventive dental care sessions, frequency of regular dental health examinations, and dental treatment hours in the dental clinics. A formula was developed to analyze the collected data and calculate Needed DH based on them. Subsequently, the ratio of Needed DH to Employed DH was calculated. The mean durations of preventive dental care sessions in the dental clinics requiring additional DH in the shortest, most frequent, and longest sessions were 9.4, 18.1, and 32.0 minutes, respectively. While Employed DH was sufficient in the case of the shortest and most frequent sessions, it was insufficient in the case of the longest session, because the ratio of Needed DH/Employed DH in the longest session was 1.61. </p><p></p>


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