The Effects of Fluorides for Caries Prevention in Adults

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  • 成人におけるフッ化物応用による齲蝕予防効果

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This interventional study investigated effects of fluorides for caries prevention for 18 to 31 year-old adults who were Ground Self-Defense Force members. Subjects were assigned to one of the three following study groups ; the fluoride mouthrinsing group (FMR : 0.05% NaF, 5 times a week), the fluoride dentifrice group (FD : 950 ppmF), and the control group (CONT). We compared each caries increase for two years by visual caries examination and bitewing radiographic examination. Information on living habits (e. g. brushing habits and sweets eating habits and so on) were obtained via questionnaires. The results were as follows. 1. As for visual examination, the new DMFS index was 1.96 in FMR, 2.22 in FD and 3.17 in CONT. Subjects in FMR had a 38.2% lower new DMFS index than those in CONT. The difference between FMR and CONT in the new DMFS index was significant at less than 0.05. Subjects in FD had a 30.0% lower new DMFS index than those in CONT, but the difference in means was not significant. 2. In the new DMFS index according to the type of surface, on the posterior smooth surfaces the difference between FMR and CONT was 47.5%, which was significant (p<0.01). 3. In the bitewing radiographic examination for the diagnosis of posterior approximal caries,the new DeMFS index (De : radiolucency into dentin, M '. missing, F I filling) was 0.64 in FMR, 1.05 in FD, and 1.21 in CONT. Subjects in FMR had a 47.1% lower new DeMFS index than those in CONT, and the difference was significant (p<0.01). Subjects in FD had a 13.2% lower new DeFMS index than those in CONT, but the difference was not significant. In conclusion, these results indicated that fluoride mouthrinsing for adults was a very effective measure of caries prevention in Japan, where caries prevalence is increasing in adults.


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