Correlation between Salivary Mutans Streptococci and Caries Increment in Primary Schoolchildren.

  • KATAYAMA Tsuyoshi
    Department of Preventive Dentistry, Iwate Medical University School of Dentistry
  • SATOH Mitsuko
    Department of Dental Hygiene, Iwate Prefectural School of Hygiene
  • ITOH Keiko
    Department of Dental Hygiene, Iwate Prefectural School of Hygiene
  • OHTOMO Satsuki
    Department of Dental Hygiene, Iwate Prefectural School of Hygiene
  • SAWADA Teruko
    Department of Dental Hygiene, Iwate Prefectural School of Hygiene

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  • 唾液中ミュータンスレンサ球菌と小学校児童のう蝕増加量の関連

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Of the four levels of salivary mutans streptococci (classes 0-3 by “Strip mutans” test) in primary schoolchildren, class 3 (>106CFU/ml saliva) was designated as a high caries risk group in our previous report (J. Dent. Hlth., 44; 211, 1994). Data obtained in a one-year longitudinal survey of caries increment in permanent dentition were analysed to find the correlation between salivary levels of mutans streptococci and caries incidence. A total of 198 primary schoolchildren (3rd grade: 104 children, 6th grade: 94 children) was followed up over one year, but 26 subjects without full caries data were excluded for further statistical analyses. Mean caries increments (ΔDT and ΔDMFT) by the salivary levels of mutans streptococci (classes 0-3) were computed from the caries data obtained at both baseline and follow-up examinations. For the 3rd grade schoolchildren, mean numbers of DMFT of class 3 at both baseline and reexamination were statistically higher (p<0.05) than those of classes 0-2. In the 6th grade, similar trends were found between class 3 and class 0 or class 1. ΔDMFT of the 6th grade children in the class 3 mutans streptococci was significantly higher than that of class 0 (P<0.05), while no definite difference in the 3rd grade was found (p=0.10). The results of the present study showed that high levels of mutans streptococci in saliva were associated with high caries incidence and that class 3 was an indicator in selecting a high caries risk group among primary schoolchildren.


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