Development of mother-daughter relationship scale
- MISAGO Chizuru
- Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tsuda College Department of Epidemiology , National Institute of Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology , National Institute of Public Health University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
- SHIMANE Takuya
- Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health, Juntendo University School of Medicine National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Drug Dependence Research
- NOMURA Marika
- Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Public Health, Juntendo University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 母娘関係尺度作成の試み
- オヤコ カンケイ シャクド サクセイ ノ ココロミ
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Eating disorders and fictitious injuries are increasing among women in Japan. It is thoughtthat relationship between mother and daughter affect to these behavior. There are no scales toevaluate the relationship. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring the rela tionship between mother and daughter and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Across-sectional study using self administrated questionnaire in a class-room setting was conductedon November 2005 among women's university students. The questionnaire consisted of questionson the relationship between mother and daughter. Of the 143 students who participated in thisstudy, 142 students (mean: 20.3 years old) answered completed questionnaire to analyze. As a result of the factor analysis, 4 factors and 16-items; intimacy (6-items), ascendance (4-items), acceptance (3-items), submission (3-items) were extracted. It was shown that this scale had the reliability with Cronbach's Alpha. (=0.90). The validity was supported, since the score of this scale correlatedpositively with subject criteria and the score were significantly greater in the group whohad a better relationship with their mother than in the group who didn't have. These findingssupport that the scale of relationships between mother and daughter has reliability and validity.This scale is more useful than existing scales like PBI (Parental Bounding Instrument) to evaluatephysical and mental problem such as eating disorders and fictitious injuries among young woman.
- Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology
Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology 72 (4), 153-159, 2006
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205007431552
- NII Article ID
- 10019606955
- NII Book ID
- AN00236886
- 1882868X
- 03689395
- 8068167
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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