Staging-based Surgical Results in Chronic Otitis Media with Cholesteatoma

  • Kitahara Tadashi
    Department of Otolaryngology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
  • Mishiro Yasuo
    Department of Otolaryngology, Hyogo Medical College
  • Sakagami Masafumi
    Department of Otolaryngology, Hyogo Medical College
  • Kamakura Takefumi
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Morihana Tetsuo
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Inohara Hidenori
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

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  • 中耳真珠腫の部位別進展度別手術成績
  • チュウジ シンジュ シュ ノ ブイ ベツ シンテンド ベツ シュジュツ セイセキ

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Discussions of surgical results in chronic otitis media involving cholesteatoma usually include hearing improvement, side effects, and cholesteatoma recurrence, although such talks could easily involve the influence on surgical results of the intraoperative extension of the cholesteatoma-affected area around the tympanomastoid cavity. Based on intraoperative chronic otitis media staging involving cholesteatoma proposed by the Japan Otological Society in 2010, we studied our tympanoplasty results between April 1997 and March 2010.<br>Hearing improvement in all subjects with pars flaccida cholesteatoma was 79.0% (n=100) and that with pars tensa 73.3% (n=30)-results not significantly influenced by intraoperative staging grade but significantly dependent on stapes presence (tympanoplasty type I and III) or absence (type IV). Nine cases of recurrence were seen in pars flaccida and four in pars tensa. Intraoperative side effects and postoperative recurrence often occurred in advanced cases. These findings suggest that intraoperative chronic otitis media staging involving cholesteatoma may make it important to be aware of the need for more careful procedures during surgery and in follow-up.


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