気道におけるInfluenza Virusの実態の一端


  • Some Biological Aspects of Influenza Virus in Respiratory Tract
  • キドウ ニ オケル Influenza virus ノ ジッタイ ノ イッタン トクニ ケイコウ コウタイホウ ト デンケンショケン ト ノ ヒカク オ チュウシン ト シテ
  • By Means of Fluorescent Antibody Technic and Electron Microscopy
  • とくに蛍光抗体法と電顕所見との比較を中心として



The authors studied the actual state of influenza viruses in the tracheobronchial wall of mice which had been experimentally infected with influenza viruses, by means of of fluorescent antibcdy technic, electron microscopy chronologically. The results obtained were as follows:<BR>1. The specific fluorescence antigens were observed between 3 and 6 hours after the intranasal instillation on the epitherial cells of bronchus. Those antigens reached maximum at 24th or 48th hour, and still presented themselves even after one week.<BR>2. Electron microscopically, releasing of virus particles was observed on free surface of both ciliated and nonciliated cells. RNP granules were closely gathered in the cytoplasm and the nucleus.<BR>3. These virus particles were successfully identified as influenza virus by means of ferritin antibody technic.<BR>Intracellular changes and their significance will be reported later.


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