

  • Replacement of A. Carotis Communis with Teflon graft
  • ケイブ カクセイジュツジ ソウ ケイドウミャク オ ダイヨウ ケッカン デ チカン シタ リンショウ ケイケン



A case of 57-year-old man who had suffered from Squamous cell cancer of larynx and undergone total laryngectomy before one and half year could not help to receive radical neck dessection due to repeated metastatic lymphnodes complications.<br>In the course of operation, A. carotis communis (left) was found to have diffuse adhesion with fibrotic cervical lymphnodes including metastatic cancerous lesions, which developed following previousre moval of affected lymphnodes and repeated irradiation therapies (12, 000γ).<br>This adhesion was apparently too intensive to separate the fibrotic tissue from arterial wall without injury, so that a portion of A. carotis communis was resected together with these fibrotic lymphnodes and replaced with Teflon blood-vessel graft in about 2.5cm. length to keep the continuity of circulation.<br>Postoperative follow-up for about two years revealed no significant symtoms of malignant metastasis and circulatory disturbance, excepting persistence of partial ulcerative skin-defect on the skin-incision scar.


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