Solid Phase Enzyme Immuno Assayによる高齢者前立腺癌の診断


  • Diagnosis of prostatic cancer in the aged by solid phase enzyme immuno assay.
  • Solid Phase Enzyme Immuno Assay ニ ヨル コウ



A solid phase enzyme immuno assay for prostatic acid phosphatase has been assessed. Acid phosphatase isoenzymes in the human plasma have been reported with the variety for various substrates. The commercial development of radio immuno assay (RIA) specific for prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) has been renewed clinical interest in the usefulness of this enzyme. The results of the solid phase enzyme immuno assay and RIA for 67 cases concurrently tested patients samples were compared by simple linear regression. The slope of the line was 0.73, the Y-intersept 0.03μg/L and the coefficient of correlation was 0.78 indicating a not so good degree of correlation between two methods. An upper limit of normal subjects in the aged is set at 2IU/L. There is very low incidence of raised level in the healthy aged and chronic disease or cancers other than these of prostate and patients with well-controled prostatic cancer have levels less than 4IU/L showing little variation about their own mean. Prostatic acid phosphatase can increase exponentially with a doubling time for 1-3 months, however, its concentration in the plasma with prostatic cancer correlated well with clinical stages as follows, Stage A and B; 1.61IU/L±0.3, Stage C; 7.6IU/L±10.2, Stage D; 8.8 IU/L±11.2. Although prostate specific acid phosphatase is not a cancer specific enzyme and leukocytic acid phosphatases cross-reacted with prostatic acid phosphatase immunologically, its measurement may be of considerable value in monitoring prostatic disease. The sensitivity, specificity in the lower range and predictive value by solid phase enzyme immuno assay were better than others on the prostatic cancer.


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