HDL<sub>2</sub>, HDL<sub>3</sub>およびVHDL分画のコレステロールおよびリン脂質の測定法に関する検討


  • Determination of Cholesterol and Phospholipids in HDL<sub>2</sub>, HDL<sub>3</sub> and VHDL
  • HDL2 HDL3 オヨビ VHDL ブンカク ノ コレステロール オヨビ リ



This report describes a method for and the result of the analysis of cholesterol and phospholipids in HDL2 and HDL3, and of phospholipids in VHDL (d.>1.210).<br>After precipitating and eliminating LDL (low density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) by Na. phosphotangstate and MgCl2 and bringing the non-protein density to 1.125, the serum was subjected to ultracentrifugation in #494 angle rotor of IEC/B-60 ultracentrifuge (Kubota-International) at 105, 000×G for 22 hours.<br>Dividing then the sample into four fractions from the top to the bottom layers, A1 (0.5ml), A2 (1.0ml), B (2.0ml) and C (remaining solution), the cholesterol and phospholipids were determined in these 4 fractions.<br>After bringing the non-protein density of fraction C to 1.210, the ultracentrifugation was repeated under the same condition and the cholesterol and phospholipids in the top fraction (C1 0.5ml) were determined.<br>The conditions under which the first ultracentrifugation was performed proved inadequate in separation between HDL2 and HDL3 at the clear zone beneath the top of fraction (A2). Therefore, the HDL2/HDL3 ratio in this mixed zone (A2) was obtained by calculation based on the phospholipids/cholesterol ratio, in consideration of the latter ratio being substantially and constantly different between HDL2 and HDL3 (HDL2<HDL3).<br>The phospholipids/cholesterol ratio of HDL2 was derived from the phospholipid and cholesterol concentrations of fraction A1 and that of HDL3, from those of fraction C1 respectively.<br>The VLDL-phospholipids were calculated by subtracting the HDL3-phospholipids from the phospholipids in fractions of density exceeding 1.125 (fractions B and C)<br>The HDL2 cholesterol and phospholipids were 15.5±4.3 and 21.9±5.9mg/dl in five normal men, and 18.6±5.9 and 28.0±8.1mg/dl in five normal women respectively. The HDL3-cholesterol and phospholipids were 39.4±5.2 and 60.6±8.2mg/dl in normal men, and 44.1±12.1 and 72.3±22.0mg/dl in normal women respectively. The VHDL-phospholipids were 17.0±3.8mg/dl in normal men and 22.4±5.5mg/dl in normal women.<br>Both HDL2 and HDL3 cholesterol and phospholipids decreased in many patients with the cerebral thrombosis and myocardial infarction. Moreover, the VHDL-phospholipids significantly decreased in all the patients with the cerebral thromboses, while they decreased, on the contrary, only in 1 out of 4 myocardial infarction patients.<br>The HDL2 and HDL3 cholesterol and phospholipids were low in patients with diabetes mellitus, but their VHDL-phospholipids did not decrease.<br>The decrease of VHDL-phospholipids in cerebral thrombosis was due to the lowered lysolecithin level in the VLDL fraction.



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