

  • A Case of Sideroblastic Anemia Transformed into Erythroleukemia
  • テツガキュウセイ ヒンケツ ト シテ ケイカ カンサツチュウ セキハッケツビョ



A 64-year-old female was admitted to the Juntendo University Hospital with complaints of fever, vomiting, and right hypochondralgia in Sept. 1976.<br>Physical examination revealed severe pallor, tenderness, and resistence over the right hypochondrium.<br>Hematological examination on admission showed hemoglobin 5.3 g/dl, red blood cells 187×104/mm3, white blood cells 9,000/mm3 with a small number of the immature granulocytes and the partial hypochromia of the red cells.<br>Bone marrow aspirate revealed an erythroid hyperplasia with numorous ringed sideroblasts but no megaloblastic change. PAS stain was negative.<br>A chromosomal analysis showed no abnormality with negative Ph1 chromosome.<br>E. coli was cultured from her blood and bile, and a diagnosis of primary acquired sideroblastic anemia complicated with sepsis was made.<br>The sepsis was successfully treated with antibiotics and the external biliary drainage. She was placed on folate and pyridoxine with no improvement of anemia.<br>On Oct. 1977, a small number of myeloblasts and erythroblasts appeared in the peripheral blood. The bone marrow specimen obtained in Nov. 1977 showed an increase in atypical myeloblasts and a megaloblastic change in erythroid cells.


  • 臨床血液

    臨床血液 21 (10), 1560-1565, 1980

    一般社団法人 日本血液学会

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