• KIKAWADA Noriya
    Department of Physiology I, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University

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The ERG and the corneo-retinal standing potential of the eyes of various kinds of vertebrates such as Mammals (Rodentia), Ayes, Reptilia, Amphibia and Pisces were recorded by means of the direct amplifier-oscillograph (orpenwriter) system.<BR>Comparative studies on the variations in the ERG and in the corneo-retinal standing potential of the eyes during light and dark adaptations were made using the above-mentioned animals.The existence of the c-wave on the ERG was confirmed clearly in all cases of the animals examined, although only a small amplitude of the c-wave could be observed in the case of the squirrel. The peak times of the c-wave in cases of Amphibia and Pisces are far longer than those of the other animals.The peak time of the c-wave as measured from the onset of adapting light is 3-5 seconds for Rodentia and Ayes, 10-20 seconds for Reptilia and 1.5-3 minutes for Amphibia and Pisces.<BR>The light peaks of the corneo-retinal standing potentials appear respectively 5-13 minutes for Mammals (Rodentia), 3-5 minutes for Ayes and 5-13 minutes for Reptilia after the onset of the adapting light.On the other hand, their post-d peaks appear between 30 seconds and 1 minute for Rodentia, between 20 seconds and 1 minute for Ayes and between 30 seconds and 4 minutes for Reptilia after the cessation of the adapting light.The dark trough appears 7-15 minutes for Rodentia, 4-7 minutes for Ayes, 10-20 minutes for Reptilia, 10-20 minutes for Amphibia and 15-20 minutes for Pisces after the cessation of the adapting light.<BR>Some periodic variations in the corneo-retinal standing potential of the eye were observed following the ordinal ERG-wave in the course of light and dark adaptation.It was concluded that there are two different groups in the from of adaptation.The one form is obtained from man-group, and the other from frog-group.The variations of the standing potential for Mammals, Ayes and Reptilia belong to the man-group, while those for Amphibia and Pisces belong to the frog-group.In the case of the man-group, the light peak could always be observed successively in the course of light adaptation, and also the post-d peak was found in the course of dark adaptation.But, in the case of the frog-group, the light peak and the post-d peak was never observed.


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