Biomedical Measurement. Smoothing of Miniature Eye Movement Using Wavelet Analysis when Gazing a Fixed Target.

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  • 生体計測応用 ウェーブレットを用いた注視時眼球運動の平滑化
  • ウェーブレット オ モチイタ チュウシジ ガンキュウ ウンドウ ノ ヘイカツカ

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Wavelet analysis of eye movements when subjects gaze at a fixed target is proposed. This enables us to get a low-noise waveform of eye movement from raw data. Time derivatives of the data, i. e., velocity and acceleration, can be easily obtained using this method. The results are compared with the results obtained by a method that smooths the waveform of miniature eye movement using an FIR filter. Three applications are discussed : a representation of eye movement using chaotic attractor, a vector representation of acceleration of eye movement, and a statistical analysis to estimate minute skewness of miniature eye movement acceleration. The decrease of the blink component using wavelet analysis is also discussed. These applications can be used to evaluate the picture quality of new virtual and stereoscopic displays.


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